Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Delivering Food to Grace Clinic

Judy Addis with Grace Clinic MgrMark Brault
On December 15th Judy Addis and Fern Ridout delvered 15 bags of food.
Left to right Jane Murrow, Mark Murrow,Judy Addis and Fern Ridout

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

November 15th meeting

Our guest speaker Eileen Sobjack, President of the Washington Federation of Republican Women, gave an informative and useful presentation " Who Are You and What Do You Do?"
I am so sorry the pictures didn't turn out. Will do better next time.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Doc Hasting Party

Election Night Doc talking to party attendees

Election Night Doc with Ella Childers, Joanne Young and Karena Morris

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Congratulations to Brenda Chilton

Happy Birthday and congratulations to Brenda
for winning her election for Benton County Auditor and 2011-2012 Co-President of the TCRW. We are confident that she will do an outstanding job in both positions.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 25th meeting

Upper: Congressman Doc Hastings
addressing TCRWC meeting attendees.
Mrs Hastings and Ella Childers on right. President Judy Addis on left.
Lower:President Judy Addis and Doc Hastings
For all you political junkies out there, Doc told us to check out Realclearpolitics.com for the latest polling results. He told us that when the polls close the 2 states to watch are Indiana and Kentucky. If Indiana wins 2-3 house seats and Kentucky wins 1 seat that bodes well for Republicans. Those polls close at 4pm our time.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Presenting Dictionary's to 3rd Graders

On Tuesday September 21st Jessie Willoughby presented student dictionary's to the 3rd Graders at Washington Elementary School. This is an annual project for the TCRWC. Dictionary's are given to 3rd Graders at a different school each year.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

June 28th Party

Brenda Chilton and Jessie Willoughby

KathyKinion and Karena Morris

Brenda Chilton with the Lisa and Tony Benegas

Three of the guys;, the two Carls and Ron Morris

Sorry the rest of the pictures weren't any good. If anyone has some please email them to: bunnypole91@hotmail.com and I'll post them.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

From the Convention

Joanne Young with Clint Didier candidate for US Senator
Jessie Willoughby,Jamie Wheeler and Judy Addis with
Leon and Diana Howard

TCRWC members, Lisa Benegas, Jamie Wheeler, Ella Childers, Jessie Willoughby,
and Judy Addis

By now you have heard about what went on at the convention so I will only say that for the most part, we had a good time. Sorry these pictures are late getting posted. No excuses, just been busy. Sorry I didn't get pictures of Michele Malkin and Mitt Romney

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

May 24th 2010 Meeting

Dave Petersen Candidate for District Court Judge, Co-Presidents Jane Wierenga and Judy Addis, John Hansens Candidate for BC Coroner.
Judy Addis, Barbara Wagner,
Josie Delvin, Brenda Chilton

Barbara Wagner BC Assessor, Josie Delvin BC Clerk, Brenda Chilton BC Auditor
This was a busy and enlighenting meeting. The presentations given by the guest speakers were very informative and well presented.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Delegates to th State Convention

We are proud to have 8 members and 2 associates attending the Washington State Convention as Delegates.
First row left to right: Lisa Benegas, Fern Ridout,
Judy Addis, Karena Morris, Ella Childers
Second row: Dustin Dobson, Donna Raines, Tony Benegas.
Not shown: Jessie Willoughby, Jamie Wheeler, Tammy McKeirnan and 2nd Alternate Joanne Young.
I will try to get them later.
Congratulations All!

March 22nd Meeting

Judy Addis and Fredi Simpson. If you missed this meeting you missed a fun and informative evening. Fredi's sense of humor made her story of growing up apolitical and developing into the person she is today was very positive and uplifting. Hearing her common sense approach to life and politics was an inspiration. Hope we can have her back again .

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Day at the Capital

Five Tri Cities RWC Women joined the WFRW day at the Capital on Monday Feb 8th. They visited with our State Congressmen. It was a very informative and fun day. A Good time was had by all.
Upper Picture: Rep Klippert, Jamie Wheeler, Judy Addis, Jessie Willoughby, Tammy McKeirnan, Jane Wierenga, Rep Haler
Lower Picture: Senator Delvin, Jamie Wheeler, Judy Addis, Jessie Willoughby, Jane Wierenga ,Tammy McKeirnan, Rep. Haler, Rep Klippert