Sunday, October 30, 2011

Benton County GOP Fall Dinner


The Benton County GOP fall dinner will be taking place on November 17th, 2011 at the Country Gentleman in Kennewick.  Social hour will be from 6:00 PM- 7:00 PM and a buffet dinner will be served beginning at 7:00 PM.

The fall dinner will have a straw poll (you MUST be present to take part), a dessert dash, and a Kim Wyman (candidate for Washington Secretary of State) will be our speaker.

The fall dinner will help to raise money to fund the 2012 Presidential Primary Caucus.

Tickets are on sale now and must be purchased BEFORE the event.

Single Ticket: $35.00

Couples: $60.00

To purchase tickets please contact Ella Childers or pay through PayPal below:

Number of Tickets

Friday, October 7, 2011

Kirby Wilbur's Visit

We had a our first meeting of the season on Monday, September 26. Our guest of Kirby Wilbur, the Chairman of the Washington State GOP and radio personality. We were very honored to have him as our guest.

Below are some pictures from his visit:

Saying the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of our meeting

Kirby speaking to the group

Some of the members looking as Kirby speaks to us about the future

Kirby listening as a member asks a question

Our next meeting will be on Monday, October 24th at 6:00 PM at Tony Roma's in Kennewick. Our guest speaker this month will be "Twitter Queen" Nansen Malin.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Summer Break

Hello Everyone,

We are in the middle of our summer break. We hope that you are all having a wonderful summer, and can't wait to see you all again at our next meeting on Monday, September 25th.


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pocket Constitution Donation

Hello Everyone,

As part of their community outreach the Tri-Cities Republican Women have donated pocket Constitutions to local graduating seniors at two schools: Phoenix High School and Legacy High School both located in Kennewick, Washington.

Below are the pictures from these events.


Legacy High School, May 12, 2011:

The presenters for this event were our club Co-President, Fern Ridout, and our club Secretary, Karena Morris.  They gave out 13 Constitutions to the Legacy High School Senior class.

Above: Karena Morris with a student after presenting him with his Constitution

Above: Karena Morris and Fern Ridout with Legacy Seniors after
 presenting them with their Constitutions

Phoenix High School, May 18, 2011:

The presenters for this event were, Karena Morris, Kennewick Mayor Pro-Tem Sharon Brown, and Chief Deputy Clerk of Benton County Court Jackie Hill. All are members of the Tri-Cities Republican Women's Club.

Above: Sharon Brown presenting the Seniors with the Constitutions

Above: Jackie Hill with a group of Phoenix graduates (notice how happy they are
with their new Constitutions)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Washington Policy Center Legislative Wrap-Up

Hello Everyone! 

The Washington Policy Center is having their Legislative Wrap-Up Evening Reception in the Tri-Cities at the Tri-Cities Chamber Courtyard on May 24th from 5:30-6:30 PM. It will be a free dinner and wine event. Their entire research staff will be on hand to discuss what happened during the Legislative Session. 

If you're interested in attending please RSVP to Chris Cargill at or 

(509) 570-2384

Thank you,

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Member News

Our member, Tammy McKiernan's daughter, Danielle was recently in the Tri-City Herald. Please follow the link to see the photo!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Next Meeting: Monday, April 25

Hello Everyone,

Next Monday will be our next meeting. Our guest speaker is Ron Hayden.  Ron is the President of the Benton County Young Republicans as well as a PCO.  He has served two tours of duty in Iraq with the Army, and his wife serves in the USAF.  He will be speaking about the Benton County Young Republicans.

If you would like more information about the BCYR their website

As usual we will be meeting at Tony Roma's in Kennewick, dinner is at 6 PM and the program will begin at 7.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Monday, April 4, 2011

One of Our Members

Hello Everyone,

Below is an article that features one of our members, Vel Wright, it also discusses donating to a local non-profit, the KGH Foundation. Please take a moment to read about it and Vel.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Newsletters and Calendar

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that you can now access our monthly newsletters online by following this link.

You can also access our Google Calendar by clicking here.

Please enjoy these new features as the TCRW enter the 21st Century!


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Upcoming Meeting: Guardians of Freedom Project

We hope to see many of you at our upcoming meeting on Monday, March 28th. Our guest is going to be Amy Withers.  Amy is the founder of the Guardians of Freedom Project (formally known as The Wounded Warrior Project Tri-Cities). She will be speaking about what they do for our soldiers abroad and on the home front.

Also, this Monday if you bring a friend with you to the meeting you will receive a special TCRW "Friend Pin."  We also have an auction during the meeting, so be sure to bring a few extra dollars!

See you on Monday!!

(As usual we will meet at Tony Roma's in Kennewick at 6:00 PM for dinner, and the program will begin at 7:00 PM)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

February 28th General Meeting

Kennewick Mayor Pro Tem Sharon Brown with VP Bianca Labrador.  Mayor Brown gave a presentation of past accomplishments, future plans, and an overview of how local government works.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day At The Capitol Recap

On February 7, 2011 TCRW Presidents Fern Ridout and Brenda Chilton, along with Vice-President, Bianca Labrador, ventured to Olympia for the Washington Federation of Republican Women's Day at the Capitol.  They had a wonderful time seeing the capitol building, and seeing nearly two dozen Republican lawmakers speak.  Below are some pictures from the event; we hope you enjoy browsing! Please feel free to leave comments below.

Above: A lovely picture of our state capitol building in Olympia, Washington.

Above: Fern and Brenda ascending the steps to the capitol (please forgive the blurriness 
of the photo, my autofocus wasn't working at that moment).

Above (left to right): Jennifer Haler (wife of Representative Larry Haler, 8th District), Brenda Chilton, Bianca Labrador, and Fern Ridout.

Above: Washington State Attorney General Rob McKenna speaking to all the 200+ attendees of the Day at the Capitol.

Above: 8th Legislative Representative Brad Klippert motivating the crowd with his boisterous love of politics and talking about representing his constituents.

Above: 9th District State Representative Susan Fagan speaking to the room about being their Representative.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Radio Interview

Here are Fern and Brenda at the station with Dennis Shannon

Our Presidents, Fern and Brenda, showed up to the KONA station and had a very successful interview! They even reran it in the noon hour.  

Were you able to listen to the interview? If so, feel free to comment below to let us know!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day at the Capitol

The TCRW will be taking a trip to Olympia, WA on February 7, 2011 to spend the day at the capitol building and to meet our representatives. If you're interested in attending please contact Jane Wierenga at 375-1431.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

TCRW Presidents On the Radio!!!

The TCRW Presidents, Brenda Chilton and Fern Ridout will be on the radio tomorrow Friday, January 28th! Check them out on the Dennis Shannon show on KONA 610 AM at 8:45 AM.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lincoln-Reagan Dinner March 19, 2011

Mark your calenders for Saturday, March 19, 2011 for the Lincoln-Reagan Dinner!  It will be held at the Shilo Inn located in Richland, WA.

TCRW will again be donating a basket to the auction.  The theme for this year's basket is "100 Years of Reagan."  We would like to include memorabilia highlighting the different eras of his life: college years, Cubs radio announcer, actor, GE spokesman, California Governor, and--of course--President of the United States!
Perhaps you have a collectible, a unique souvenir, or a new or gently used item that we could include in our basket.  Please contact Karena Morris at 586-4888 or

We are responsible for decorations, so if you would like to help please call Fern at 948-3915.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Message From Your Club Presidents

Happy New Year to one and all!

Yet, what a sad way to welcome 2011 with the tragedy that occurred in Tucson, Arizona. Our thoughts and prayers go out to US Representative Gabrielle Giffords, the others that were murdered, as well as those injured. We do have so much to celebrate with the GOP taking control of the House! What a victory not only for our leaders, but the volunteers who worked tirelessly to elect them.

Representative "Doc" Hastings will have a key role as Chairman of the Natural Resources Committee. Sessions have started in Washington, D.C., as well as in our capitol of Olympia, WA. The promise of bipartisanship looms high in our state and federal governments. Members, let your voices be heard! The TCRW has great work to do in the next 2 years! To quote Susan Fagan, Representative of the 9th Legislative District, "The work we will be doing in the next 22 months will be critical to our elections in 2012 and these months will go by fast."

Now, more than ever we need to provide an organization where women of like mind and patriotic values can turn to! With the help of our two past Co-Presidents, Judy Addis and Jane Weirenga, who built the club's membership and values these past 2 years, we will move forward.

Many thanks to all our recent officers! Now, we will continue with a quote by Albert Einstein to guide us, "In the midst of difficulty lies opportunity". We will forge on towards 2012! With that in mind, we are going to visit Olympia on Monday, February 7th for "A Day in Olympia". Please let Brenda or me know if you would like to attend by 1/25/11.

Another event to look forward to is the "Lincoln-Reagan" Dinner on March 19th at the Shiloh Inn in Richland. So, let's get busy! Invite your daughters, neighbors, church friends too, to our next meeting on January 24th, at Tony Romas. We meet at 6 for dinner, and 7 for our meetings. We look forward to greeting all of you!

With trumpeting elephants,
Brenda and Fern

Swearing-In 2011-2012 Officers

From Left to Right:
Fern Ridout (Co-President), Ella Childers (Treasurer), Bianca Labrador (Vice-President), Brenda Chilton (Co-President), Karena Morris (Secretary)