Happy New Year to one and all!
Yet, what a sad way to welcome 2011 with the tragedy that occurred in Tucson, Arizona. Our thoughts and prayers go out to US Representative Gabrielle Giffords, the others that were murdered, as well as those injured. We do have so much to celebrate with the GOP taking control of the House! What a victory not only for our leaders, but the volunteers who worked tirelessly to elect them.
Representative "Doc" Hastings will have a key role as Chairman of the Natural Resources Committee. Sessions have started in Washington, D.C., as well as in our capitol of Olympia, WA. The promise of bipartisanship looms high in our state and federal governments. Members, let your voices be heard! The TCRW has great work to do in the next 2 years! To quote Susan Fagan, Representative of the 9th Legislative District, "The work we will be doing in the next 22 months will be critical to our elections in 2012 and these months will go by fast."
Now, more than ever we need to provide an organization where women of like mind and patriotic values can turn to! With the help of our two past Co-Presidents, Judy Addis and Jane Weirenga, who built the club's membership and values these past 2 years, we will move forward.
Many thanks to all our recent officers! Now, we will continue with a quote by Albert Einstein to guide us, "In the midst of difficulty lies opportunity". We will forge on towards 2012! With that in mind, we are going to visit Olympia on Monday, February 7th for "A Day in Olympia". Please let Brenda or me know if you would like to attend by 1/25/11.
Another event to look forward to is the "Lincoln-Reagan" Dinner on March 19th at the Shiloh Inn in Richland. So, let's get busy! Invite your daughters, neighbors, church friends too, to our next meeting on January 24th, at Tony Romas. We meet at 6 for dinner, and 7 for our meetings. We look forward to greeting all of you!
With trumpeting elephants,
Brenda and Fern
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